An essay on a popular documentary film "Hearts and Minds" Studied in public administration and U.S. history. [Written in NYC on 11.02]

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Essay Database > History > North American History
"Hearts and Minds" is a very powerful and emotional documentary. This work is on the subject of the U.S. involvement in the Vietnam. Using a wide variety of interviews as well as powerful real life footage from the Vietnam, "Hearts and Minds" achieve a task that few movies undertake. The film joins together interviews with American politicians, army officers, war veterans, as well as Vietnamese citizens. Although this enables "Hearts and Minds" to displays …

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…to tell us the history. It simply tries to explain how and why people here in U.S. believed in this war to such extent. Through out its history United States fought many wars to protect its citizens and their freedom. It would even under take the most powerfully armies of the word to achieve these goals. In this case Vitamin people were fighting for their freedom, against the enemy that seem to be invincible.